5 Steps for Creating a Profitable Trading Routine

Struggling to fit trading into your busy life? Discover how to build a profitable trading routine in just 30 minutes a day.

Here are 5 steps the pros use to maximize their limited time:

  • Morning Market Review
  • Start your day informed and prepared.

    • Review overnight market movements
    • Review your key charts and timeframes
    • Identify any price action at major support and resistance levels
  • Plan Your Trades
  • Don’t chase the market, let it come to you.

    • Identify potential trade setups for the day
    • Set entry, exit, and stop-loss levels
    • Have & use your trading plan for accountability
  • Monitor Open Positions
  • Stay informed without obsessing.

    • Check positions at set intervals, not constantly. (Max. 2 times/day)
    • Resist the urge to micro-manage trades
    • Avoid watching every tick of price movement
  • End-of-Day Review
  • Learn from your successes and mistakes.

    • Record all trades in your journal
    • Analyze what went right or wrong
    • Identify areas for improvement
  • Prepare for Tomorrow
  • Set yourself up for future success.

    • Update your watchlist for potential trades
    • Reflect on your trading rules
    • Clear your mind and step away from the charts

    To learn more about How you can Start Trading for a living, sign up below for my Free Training on the “7-Steps to Financial Freedom through Trading”.

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