Category: Risk Management 101

How to Use Stop Losses for Better Trading Results

Are you tired of losing money in trading? Trading can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. In this guide, we will teach you how to use stop losses effectively to maximize your trading profits while minimizing your losses. We will cover what stop losses are, why they are important, and how to practically…
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Why I Regret Trading During the Best Market Hours

Many traders believe that trading during specific market hours can make or break their success. There are generally four recommended times to trade, depending on the currency pair you’re trading and the market hours. However, I discovered that trading during these so-called “best” hours doesn’t guarantee success. My Personal Journey with Trading Time In 2018,…
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Top 4 Tips to Consider Before Increasing Your Trading Capital

During my trading career, I faced a crucial decision: when was the right time to increase my trading capital? I discovered four essential guidelines that helped me determine the best moment to boost my account. In this article, I’ll share these tips with you to ensure you make the right decision at the right time.…
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Expert Tips: Identifying the Best Time to Raise Risk in Trading

In my early days of trading, I, like many traders, experienced a series of profitable trades that led me to believe I had mastered the game. This false belief tempted me to increase my risk per trade, imagining I could double my earnings. However, I soon realized the importance of being cautious before increasing risk.…
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Position Sizing: The Trading Skill You Need to Know

In this post, I’ll be sharing three ways position sizing can make you a profitable trader. Position sizing is the process of determining how many units of an asset you are going to trade, and it’s crucial for managing risk and ensuring your trading success. 1. Capital Preservation The first benefit of position sizing is…
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Demo Trading: Your First Step to Trading Profits

As a beginner in trading, it’s essential to practice on a demo account first when learning a new trading method or exploring a new market. In today’s article, I’ll discuss the importance of demo trading and why you should incorporate it into your trading journey. Eliminate Emotions and Focus on the Trading Process Trading on…
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