Category: Trading Psychology 101

Master the Art of Trading Discipline in 3 Steps

Discipline is key in trading, without it, you’re likely to face the pain of losing all your hard-earned money. So, let’s delve into how I mastered trading discipline and how you can too.   Step 1 – Following a Clear Set of Trading Rules My trading journey began in 2013. Like most beginners, I was…
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How this Trading Mistake Destroys Lives (and How to Fix it)

In my first few years in trading, I was addicted to constantly watching my charts, always trying to find opportunities to buy and sell, and tracking how my trades were doing. This led me to bad trading habits that eventually led me to blow up my trading account. In this article, I’ll share with you…
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Why Trading is Actually EASY

When I started trading in 2013, I was overwhelmed by everything I thought I needed to learn. I soon realized that there were three common misconceptions that were holding me back. In this blog post, I’ll share these misconceptions and how you can counter each of them to become a successful professional trader. 1. Trading…
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5 Trading Myths That Lose You Money Every Day

When I first started trading, I had many misconceptions that were holding me back. These misguided beliefs nearly destroyed my trading career before it had a chance to take off. In this blog post, I will share my journey of overcoming the 5 toxic trading beliefs and how you can avoid making the same mistakes…
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Don’t Quit Trading: 3 Steps to Overcome Losses

Trading can be a challenging journey, especially for beginners who often face significant losses early on. It’s essential to understand that bouncing back from failure is possible and learning from your mistakes is the key to success. My Personal Journey to Successful Trading In this post, I will share with you my initial experience of…
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Why a Small Trading Account Will Make You a Better Trader

Starting with a small trading account is highly recommended for beginners. In this article, I’ll share the three benefits of not increasing your trading capital right away, which will help you become a better trader faster. Benefit #1: Master Your Trading Skills When you start trading with a small account, you can focus on mastering…
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