5 Steps: How to Develop the Mindset of a Profitable Trader

Want to develop the mindset of a profitable trader in just 30 days?

Use these 5 psychology hacks:

Practice “Inverse Thinking”

Sometimes, knowing what not to do is more important.

  • List all the ways you could fail at trading
  • Avoid these mistakes to improve your chances
  • Learn from other traders’ big errors

Build Your “Mistake Quota”

Expect to make errors and learn from them.

  • Set a number of small mistakes you’re okay with each month
  • See reaching this number as a sign you’re trying new things
  • Use these mistakes to make your trading rules better

Reframe Losses as Tuition

Every loss is an investment in your trading education.

  • Analyze losses for insights, not regrets
  • Calculate your ‘tuition costs’ as part of your trading business plan
  • View consistent small losses as signs of good risk management

Cultivate Strategic Pessimism

Optimism can be dangerous in trading.

  • Always plan for worst-case scenarios
  • Regularly stress-test your strategies
  • Find comfort in being prepared for market surprises

Use the “Outsider Test”

Look at your trades as if they weren’t yours.

  • Pretend a friend made your trades and judge them
  • Be as honest about your mistakes as you would with others
  • Give yourself advice like you would to another trader

To learn more about How you can Start Trading for a living, sign up below for my Free Training on the “7-Steps to Financial Freedom through Trading”.

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