7 Ways to Analyze Your Trades for Trading Success

New traders are facing a crisis of inconsistent results
This leads to blown accounts and shattered dreams of financial freedom
Here are 7 ways to analyze your trades and turn the tide:🧵
1/ The hidden gold in your trading failures
No trader succeeds without learning from past mistakes
– Record every trade meticulously
– Set aside weekly review time
– Approach analysis with curiosity, not judgment
Your past trades are a goldmine. Start digging.

2/ brace the awkward: Review out loud
Talking through trades reveals blind spots you’d miss
– Record yourself explaining each trade
– Listen for hesitation or uncertainty
– Note any contradictions in your logic
Hearing yourself think is uncomfortable but invaluable.

3/ Ditch the numbers, focus on decisions
The quality of your choices matters more than outcomes
– Assess your pre-trade analysis thoroughly
– Review trade management decisions
– Critique your exit strategy objectively
Judge your process, not your P&L.

4/ The power of the trading journal time machine
A detailed journal lets you relive trades objectively
– Write entries before placing your order
– Include emotions and physical state
– Review entries regularly for insights
Your journal is a portal to your trading past. Use it.

5/ Find your trading twin
Comparing trades reveals your true trading personality
– Group similar trades together
– Spot your most and least profitable patterns
– Refine your approach based on findings
Your best trading style is hidden in your history.

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