6 Steps to Developing Your Trading Edge

This took me 10 years to master, I’ll teach it to you in 3 minutes:


Become a One-Market Master First

Don’t spread yourself thin. Go deep instead.

– Pick one market that fascinates you

– Learn every quirk and pattern of this market

– Become the go-to expert for this niche

Test Your Ideas A Lot

Make sure your plan works before using real money.

– Test your strategy at least 30 times in the past

– Test it when markets are calm and crazy

– Test your strategies on all your markets (Don’t assume)

Trade More Than One Asset Class

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

– Start with one market, then add others slowly

– Look for markets that don’t move the same way

– Learn how different markets affect each other

Learn to Spot Trend Changes

Know when the market is changing direction.

– Study how trends start, continue, and end

– Look for price patterns that show trend weakness

– Practice spotting trend changes using exponential moving averages

Focus on Getting Better, Not Getting Rich

Slow and steady wins the race.

– Start with a small amount of money

– Care more about learning than earning

– Add more money only after growing your account significantly

Build a Strategy That Works Anywhere

Make a plan that’s good in different market conditions.

– Create a simple but dynamic strategy

– Add parameters that work when markets change

– Test how your plan works in different time frames

To learn more about How you can Start Trading for a living, sign up below for my Free Training on the “7-Steps to Financial Freedom through Trading”.

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