Avoid Overtrading: 6 Warning Signs

The #1 mistake costing new traders thousands:


90% of traders don’t even realize they’re doing it.

Master these 6 warning signs to protect your account and boost your profits:

  • The FOMO Monster Ate Your Profits
  • Trading more doesn’t always mean earning more
  • Check your trade frequency against your plan
  • Set daily trade limits and stick to them
  • Use a trade journal to spot overtrading patterns
  • Remember, sometimes the best trade is no trade at all

Your Account Looks Like a Rollercoaster

Wild swings in your balance spell trouble.

  • Compare daily P&L to your average
  • Look for increased drawdowns over time
  • Check if winning trades barely cover losses
  • Steady growth beats thrilling ups and terrifying downs. Always.

The “Just One More” Syndrome

This sneaky habit can destroy your trading career fast:

  • Set a hard stop time for daily trading
  • Use a physical cue to signal session’s end
  • Practice walking away, even during winning streaks
  • Your future self will thank you

Chasing the Dragon of Dopamine

Trading for the rush? You’re doing it wrong:

  • Notice if you’re trading out of boredom
  • Track your emotional state before trades
  • Take regular breaks to reset your mindset
  • Trading is a business, not a casino. Treat it like one.

The News Junkie’s Downfall

Information overload leads to overtrading.

  • Limit daily financial news consumption
  • Stick to your pre-defined trading triggers
  • Avoid making snap decisions on breaking news
  • Not every market move needs your participation. Stay focused.

The Spreadsheet Never Lies

Numbers don’t care about your feelings. They reveal:

  • Calculate your win rate over time
  • Monitor your average trade duration
  • Compare current vs. historical trade frequency
  • Let data, not emotions, guide your trading decisions.

To learn more about How you can Start Trading for a living, sign up below for my Free Training on the “7-Steps to Financial Freedom through Trading”.

Click Here to Sign up

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