Michael Steinhardt: 10 Lessons on Trading Discipline

Meet Michael Steinhardt.

He’s the Wall Street legend who averaged 24.5% annual returns over 28 years.

His risk management strategies have protected billions in investor capital.

Here are 10 of his invaluable lessons on how to develop discipline in trading:

Understanding Self-Discipline

Discipline starts with self-awareness.

  • Recognize and understand your emotional triggers.
  • Develop strategies to counteract impulsive reactions.
  • Reflect regularly on your emotional and trading responses.

Consistency Across Markets

Apply consistent trading practices regardless of market conditions.

  • Develop a trading routine that suits various market scenarios.
  • Stick to your analysis and convictions.
  • Regularly reassess your consistency and make adjustments as necessary.

Adherence to Strategy

Strict adherence to your trading strategy is key to discipline.

  • Follow your trading plan meticulously.
  • Avoid deviations based on market rumors or hearsay.
  • Regularly review and adjust your plan based on performance, not emotions.

Regular Evaluation

Periodic evaluation helps maintain discipline.

  • Set specific times to review your trading results.
  • Analyze both successes and failures to identify patterns.
  • Use these insights to strengthen your trading discipline.

Risk Management

Integral to discipline is effective risk management.

  • Define risk parameters for every trade.
  • Ensure that these parameters are based on thorough research.
  • Stick to these risk boundaries religiously.

Patience with Results

Discipline requires patience with trading outcomes.

  • Understand that not every trade will be a winner.
  • Focus on long-term performance rather than short-term gains.
  • Allow your strategy the time it needs to prove its effectiveness.

Learning From Mistakes

A disciplined trader learns from their mistakes.

  • Keep a detailed trading journal.
  • Review and analyze every loss and what led to it.
  • Implement lessons learned to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Emotional Equilibrium

Maintaining emotional balance is crucial for disciplined trading.

  • Practice techniques that help manage stress and anxiety.
  • Keep a level head during both winning and losing streaks.
  • Train yourself to detach from the monetary aspects of trading.


Discipline is also about enduring through tough times.

  • Stay committed to your strategies during drawdowns.
  • Avoid the temptation to switch strategies after a few losses.
  • Understand that perseverance is often rewarded in trading.

Setting Achievable Goals

Set realistic trading goals to foster discipline.

  • Define what success looks like for you, and aim for it.
  • Break larger goals into smaller, manageable milestones.
  • Celebrate reaching these milestones to reinforce disciplined behavior.

To learn more about How you can Start Trading for a living, sign up below for my Free Training on the “7-Steps to Financial Freedom through Trading”.

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