Victor Sperandeo: 5 Lessons on Managing Risk in Trading:

Meet Victor Sperandeo.

He’s the trader known as “Trader Vic” with a 45-year track record of success.

His risk management strategies helped him to significantly minimize his losses.

Here are 7 of his crucial lessons on managing risk in trading:

– Strive for an optimal balance between risk and reward.

– Use backtesting to predict potential outcomes.

– Ensure each trade offers a favorable risk-reward ratio.

Risk Assessment

– Evaluate risk before placing each trade.

– Use quantitative methods to assess risk levels.

– Adjust your strategies as needed, based on your trade results.

Understanding Market Risks

– Regularly review geopolitical developments impacting markets.

– Analyze different types of market risks: systematic and unsystematic.

– Stay informed on global economic conditions.

Setting Risk Limits

– Define total exposure limits for your portfolio.

– Establish clear risk limits for each trade.

– Stick to these limits rigorously to protect your capital.


– Diversify your portfolio to spread and mitigate risks.

– Include a mix of asset classes and sectors.

– Regularly rebalance your portfolio to maintain desired risk levels.

Loss Management

– Develop a plan to handle losses before they occur.

– Implement strict stop-loss orders.

– Learn from losses to refine future risk management strategies.

Leverage Control

– Use leverage prudently to avoid significant losses.

– Understand the implications of leveraged positions.

– Reduce leverage during high volatility or uncertain times.

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